Its Sunday!!! Woke up pretty late today at almost 11am! and the cause? i was up at the computer till almost 4 am!!! I just dun know why, but i just cant concentrate on studying as well as in the nite... im only able to concentrate and absorb all that im reading in the nite... maybe im a vampire? or Batman? nah... its a common problem in everyone i guess? I was going through the news paper and internet and i've managed to find a few pretty interesting articles:

Sometimes i wonder is it greed or plain stupidity (i believe its the later) that actually caused this people to believe those scams are real. They must have been thinking that in order to get the big fish, they should let go of the small fish... in which this case, the windfall is the big fish and their life time savings are the small fish... but their greed had overcome their own rationale thinking and had caused them to succumbed into believing those lottery scams are for real...
Talking about lottery scams, i once received an email from a guy from Nigeria, he claimed that he was a distand relative of some noble person in Nigeria and that upon that person's death, he is suppose to recieve his inheritance. And of all billions people in the world, he needs my help... How? first, i need to tell him that im interested in helping him get those money out of Nigeria... Upon seeing this e-mail, i deleted it immediately, cause i know its just wasting my time replying him...

Anyway, Im sure you wont want to mess with this guy, he'll wrap his huge arms around you and suffocate u till death!

Ok, have a good laugh at this video... its about this girl who is practising firing a Desert Eagle and then....
Last but not least, today's news reported that there was a 2 stampedes
1. at Carrefour in China, and it has killed 3 people injuring hundreds and
2. at a School that killed 6 and injuring many
Ok, lets get it right, you must be wondering, Stampedes? first thing that comes to your mind would be:
1. Stampedes at Rock concert rite? or
2. An annual event held in Spain where Spaniards would be chased by a stampedes of bull through the city rite?
But no! its happening in China at Carrefour! the reason? Because they are celebrating the store's 10th anniversary and the store is given a cut-price for their cooking oil.... -_-''' imagine dying because you went to the supermarket wanting to purchase the "cut-price cooking oil"...
his really reminds me of the Mc Donald's Hello Kitty Promotion years back where a there was pushing here and there that cause a guy to smashed the glass door in the pieces Hollywood style...
ok for the 2nd stampede, its because those students were rushing home after their evening class and the stair case gave way... Talking about Singaporean being Kiasu... now look at who is pwning us now!
I really should start on my intensive study regime now, or else i'll fail my exams in Dec! So for thats all for today... till then....
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