Anger and Hatred are 2 words or rather thoughts and actions, that are often too heavy a word to use and express.... But after reading 2 stompers story about 2 cases of abondened dogs (1 dead), it really stirred up the anger and hatred i have for these irresponsible people... if they can do it to dogs, i seriously begin to think that they can do it to their children... You will see below pictures from Stompers and links to the full stories.
Confirmed Dog Abuse #1

What has this dog done to deserve such a fate? Left locked in the cage and buried deep in a bush at park in Yishun, with no food and water, left to be drenched in the rain, with maggots and other parasites crawling on its body, having to sleep in its own vomit, urine and waste and having to eat its own fur to satisfy its own hunger. Its by the dog's determination to live that cause it to cry out loud for help, and it took 2 very kind hearted people, Sean Williamson and his wife to actually investigate the cries and save this poor dog (how many times you heard cats & Dogs crying and you actually get out of your home and investigate.) It really sadden me to actually see such things happen, often i asked myself, God, these are your creations, look at what are some man doing to it? GOD WHERE ARE YOU? Where is JUSTICE? We seriously need a vigilante, to put some justice to such cruel acts.
To the owner of this poor dog: u have demonstrated how cruel you can be to this dog, what has it done to you, that you have to give it such a fate? I have reserved much of my vocabulary to describe you, nonetheless, i hope you will wake up from your acts and stop what you have done today. May God have mercy and forgive you.
To the couple who saved the Dog: God bless you for you have shown mercy today.
Suspected Dog Abuse #2

This is another very sad case of a suspected dog abuse. Dennis(stomper) spotted this Dead husky which is abandoned on a grass patch next to a canal. Nothing is confirmed as to what has actually happened to this dog... There is an increase in such animals abuse... something needs to be done to stop this... My heart goes out to all these abused animals for they are such beautiful creations of God and some people are abusing it...
On a brighter side, i shall post my food of the day and snack of the day:

This is Chee Kuay from Chong Pang Market, my breakfast!!!

He is actually acting like a rouge here... i was having my dinner where he was hiding below the dinning table. I was actually searching all over the place for him when i realise that he was all the while hidding there. He is actually waiting for me to finish up my meal and then hopefully, i will drop some food and he will chomp down like a vulture on it.... either that, he will wait till the coast is clear and push the chair away and then use it to climb onto the table to steal any scraps (yes he is very capable of doing that!)

I was watching Discovery Channel on cable when i came across this weird fish. This is the Candiru. A South American fish that lives mainly in the Amazon river. It has a nasty reputation that even the red belly Piranah cannot match. Its a very tiny cat fish and its known as a blood sucking vampire which is attracted to blood, fish gills and human urine(Myth). The nitemarish part is that it is known to swim up the human urethra! There was this victim in the show that gave account that this fish bite him while he was bathing in the river, and it tried to enter into its body through hit butt! Better watch out the next time you jump into the river!
This is Cloud
Cosplayed by Japanese
Cosplayed by American!
I cant believe that i rejected 2 job offers today, (1 audit and 1 as a Regular in SAF). I've listened to advices and thought for a long hard time, and came up to the conclusion that i would be better at other places than a regular in SAF. Well the other audit job has offered me a very good offer, but i just didn't want to hold them back anymore in their recruitment exercise and would want to wait longer for more and i believe better options.
I canttttt giveeeeee youuuu Gatsssssbyyyyyy!!! i like the purple one best!

I was watching Discovery Channel on cable when i came across this weird fish. This is the Candiru. A South American fish that lives mainly in the Amazon river. It has a nasty reputation that even the red belly Piranah cannot match. Its a very tiny cat fish and its known as a blood sucking vampire which is attracted to blood, fish gills and human urine(Myth). The nitemarish part is that it is known to swim up the human urethra! There was this victim in the show that gave account that this fish bite him while he was bathing in the river, and it tried to enter into its body through hit butt! Better watch out the next time you jump into the river!
To all Cosplay enthu, you should take a look at this!!!

I stumbled upon this link from the forums in HWZ!!! See the different version of cosplay by the Japanese and the Americans!!! I feel the americans should try to cosplay those DC Comics heros or Marvel Heros instead... Haha
I cant believe that i rejected 2 job offers today, (1 audit and 1 as a Regular in SAF). I've listened to advices and thought for a long hard time, and came up to the conclusion that i would be better at other places than a regular in SAF. Well the other audit job has offered me a very good offer, but i just didn't want to hold them back anymore in their recruitment exercise and would want to wait longer for more and i believe better options.
I have achieved and discovered a lot today, first, i realise that i can comb and style many different style with my hair with these:

Lastly, i actually did not nap for more than 1 hour today! and from today onwards, i shall not play DOTA for more than 1 hour, no TV Shows for more than 1 Hour and no more napping! And last but not least, blogging should not be more than 1 hour! So this comes up to:
DOTA: 1 Hour
TV Shows: 1 Hour
Blog: 1 Hour
Misc: 2hours
Total: 5 Hours
Wake up time: 0730am
Sleep Time: 1230pm
Total Wake time: 17 hours
Total Wake time: 17 hours
Total Sleep Time: 7 hours
Ok so this should help me plan my time more efficiently. ARgghhhh, stupid headache, off to studies now! till then....
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