Talking about basket ball... its been a real long time since i throw one, and i've never been a good basket player anyway. We went for a shooting practice at Khatib Basket ball court for 20 mins before heading to the Nee Soon CC (opposite GV Yishun) to look for some challenges. At first, we were the only ones at the court, after in which 2 quite pro looking guys came along... for the first set, we won! but lost the subsequent 2 matches. when i got home, i knocked out immediately after bathing... haha.. luckily i did woke up for the movie: BEE MOVIE!

Very interesting and entertaining movie indeed... great for all ages... SCORE: 7/10

For dinner, we went to this Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe. Its at Cineleisure. Serves mainly Hong Kong dishes. Trying it for the first time!!! We joined the qeue and got a table almost immediately (cause we 2 person only mah, the rest were in groups of more than 3.) The place was very big and the thing about this cafe is that, everytime we pass by, there is always a very long qeue and we wonder why? and for today, even though its at 10pm the qeue was quite a long one... later on, we realise why, 1. cause we took something like 10 mins to read the menu for the first time and boy does every items look delicious, and we could not decide what to eat/try, in the end, we did something that could land us in their hall of fame(not me but Marcus.) 2. We notice something funny, some of their customers (Group of 4 - 6) would just come in and order a ice desert or french toast, and Ha Ha Ha all the way, while the qeue is snaking all the way outside... (guess its not a good place to chill rite?) and the waiters and management is like hurrying them and later on us to eat finish and get out... Ok now, for what we ordered from the menu:

3. Third off the menu is this salted fish with chicken rice and 1 extra Sunny side up egg... (this is the dish that i will always order during lunch with my colleagues) i always use Fried rice and Sunny side up as a bench mark for the chef, if they cant get this 2 right, then they are still not skillful enough (didn't one famous artist start off by perfecting the art of drawing eggs?) This dish is not too oily (at some places that i had this dish, its like eating oil rice) and the sunny side up was perfect! Serving portion was adequate and there were no signs that they are saving up on the salted fish and chicken, boy were they generous. SCORE: 7/10 (By Me)
4. Fourth off the menu is this Beef Hor fun... in case ur still wondering, we had all this in 1 day at the same time... ok back to the review... this dish is ordered by Marcus since he had the philosophy of "since we are here, might as well try it" so he ordered it since he still has space in his stomach... they were generous on the beef and kway teow, the sauce was not so much of a special and Marcus was saying that it is not "very" special compared to the outside Cze Char... SCORE: 6.5/10

6. For drinks, its Hong Kong Ice Milk tea... it cost $2.90 and were served in a tin mess... feels like those that were used in the Hong Kong Prison(from one of the Chow Yun Fatt movie) nothing special, but it did quench our thirst!
Lastly, we had Japanese mochi on peanuts.... this was the sucker punch for us.... never ever order a JAPANESE Dish in a Hong Kong Cafe/Restaurant. Why? cause they dun specialise in it... would Japan serve nice laksa? or Korea serve nice Roti Prata (by the way this cafe serves roti prat... try at your own risk.) Not that it is bad, but its just basically rice flour ball (Kosong Tang Yuan) on peanuts. SCORE 5/10
All in all, the service was good, food arrived very fast and luckily for Marcus, the waiter saved some embarrasement for him, as you can see, he tried dish after dish and they were quick in clearing off those plates, else it will seems to others that we are at Sakae sushi eating from the conveyor belt (with plates after plates being stacked up.)
This restaurant is a definite must try and WE WILL BE BACK for more!!! i've just got a feeling that my blog is going to become a food blog...
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