The sad fact about it is that, the 3 award winners (Gold, Silver and Bronze) are from overseas and non of them are Singaporean. Even the Gold medalist who sweep 2 papers as 1st placing in Singapore is from China... What is happening to Singaporeans man? i think its really a right move for the Government to introduce and encourage Foreign Talent into our country, not only to serve as a wake up call, but as a form of competition as well as to boast our economy as after all Human is our main core competence and resources that we have to create a "competitive advantage of nations"
Well, to the point on Foreign Talent, i guess they meant white collar workers, and not those who are working at Crystal Jade, NTUC or other blue collar jobs. Thats the misconception that most of us get on the word "Foreign Talent" i wonder which part of Talent they didn't understand. you dun need to be talented to serve customers at Crystal Jade right?
Alas, the photos are not with me at the moment, will update once i get them through the mail.

F9 i finished revising, while im left with large chunks on F8 and P3.
Hopefully i can finish revising, else i have to do skimming already.
Oh yea, and last but not least, i really would love to visit Japan one day man, look at their events they have annuallY?
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