Ok, i must admit first of all that the colour did not turn out to what i expected and seen on the sample. I thought its like 70 - 80% white with very faint and minimal black stripes...
Im very happy with the design and functionality, just that it could be better with other colour on i guess...
Below are some pictures that will provide a laughter...

Sometimes, u dun know where exactly the exits are... do the management of the building every conduct a fire drill and a post mortem after that?

Ok, all Mum should read it... cant believe they have this on the label...

Need i say more?

This Cat is sooooooooooo Cute...

Apparently, some crazy 300 movie fanatic tried to crack a joke...

Does President Bush knws that the book is inverted?

Poor Baby...

I really wonder if this cat is real..
With 4 study days a week, i think i'll be really exhausted soon....
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