They have currently 3 stores in Singapore, namely Singapore Air Port T1/T3 and Singapore Flyer. We went to the Singapore Flyer store.
Basically, they serve mainly Fried Chicken(guess you figured that out already.) and they only have 2 flavours (KFC also have only 2 types of flavour) which is Mild and Spicy. Menu ofcourse made up mainly of chicken meal in which they have the bone and the boneless version (chicken Strips) and some other salad and burger meals.
Meal is from $6++ - $8++ we order the spicy meal and the whipped potatoe.

The place is spacious and very clean and neat. you can sit there for hours chatting away comfortably, though there were a few kids running around and screaming at their top of the voices.
KBOX! Singing at Kbox with a group sure was fun! you get to sing and hear your close ones unwind and sing songs! so FUN!
The famous F4 Gal version!
My Dad surely enjoying himself.
Im sure that recently there have been a few cases of reckless drivers whose reckless driving has caused death on the roads. Though i personally feel such cases are bound to happen given the fact that we have a huge car population of appx 500,000++. Its sad to see such things happen... and after the reported case of a young driver whose Evo sports car crashed into a turning taxi and causing the death of the driver, here comes another case where the driver caused the death of the passenger... and the victim? only 19 years old...