Anyway, it will be 5 more days till my last day at work... supposed to be last month January, but then i extended cause my co. requested me to do so... then i suppose to have left last friday, but my Co. again requested that i stay another week to help do the field work for 1 company. Ok, i promised myself that this is the last extension that i will accept, other than that no more... i have a lot (i really mean a lot) to catch up in terms of revising and understanding for those 3 topics that i am taking...

Ok, enuff said, i found this black beauty in my office pantry... apparently, its a wine chiller (you should have guessed by now). in it, contains some of the finest and rarest wine i ever seen to date (some bottled in the 80's) they belong to my ultimate boss Mr. Boon. i really wonder hw much is the most expensive bottle cost...

Ok, remember the V8 Cafe that i spoke of that serves very cheap but extremely nice Sirlion steak? ok, here is how it looks like... dripping saliva already?

Apparently, we happened to stumble upon this very nice Indonesian restaurant that serves very tasty and mouth watering Ayam Penyet. for $6.50 you can get 1. Ayam penyet 2. Tampey 3. Fried Tofu 4. Kang Kong 5. Rice and 6. extremely hot and irressitable Indonesian Chili.
Trust me, the chili never fails to satisfy. (ask for more)

This Chendol is really nice... i dunno how to describe, im not really a very chendol person, but i do like this drink... its very coconutty and it taste very different from those u bought from market/food court.

Ok, heres Uno, hes been sick and apparently his ear is infected with MITES!!!... i've brought him to a pet gromming saloon on last sunday to clean his infected ears (apparently some yellow pust and dirst have been ozzing out) and they have tied this very cute blue staff around his neck that made him look like a cow boy(or Cowdog)... gonna bring him to a vet next week to cure his infected ear.

I've been to several industrial building before and have always been greeted by a bar in the middle of the lift... i've been wondering why for some time and came to a conclusion (or otherwise answer) that this bar is to prevent people from using this lift to transport goods.... its so unsafe and unwise to do so... this could cause injury to unsuspecting passengers....
Ok, i've got to go back to my studies now... till then...
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